How Do I Know My Hard Breast Implants Have a Problem?

If you have undergone breast surgery you might have faced some problems related to hard breast implants or maybe something else. If you have noticed any early complications and symptoms, then you should seek the advice of your doctor as soon as possible. Making it delayed can alleviate your problem.

Therefore, let’s discuss in detail what hard breast implants are, how you know if your breast implant has any issues, and how can you get your free breast implant problems test, etc.

What are Hard Breast Implants?

Worldwide individuals are more turning towards cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and eyelid surgeries. In 2022, nearly 2.2 million breast augmentation surgeries were performed. You can get the idea of how the craze for cosmetic surgeries is increasing day by day. 

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common surgeries done by women out there to enhance the appearance of their boobs. However, you may experience some complications that might affect the appearance of your breast. 

Even in some cases, breast implants become stiff and make you feel the worst pain ever. They appear more wrinkled in texture and can be painful even without touching. This painful hard breast implant condition is known as “Capsular Contracture”.

How do You Know that Breasts have a Problem?

How do I know my breast implants have a problem”, this is one of the most common questions asked by individuals after they have undergone breast augmentation surgery.

After surgery, your body needs recovery time to heal the cut and body to adjust. Typically, there are some side effects that you may experience after your breast implant surgery.

● A feeling of tightness around the breast region

● Temporary pain

● Swelling and bruising

The most common breast implant complications include:

●  Thick scarring that does not fade

●  Hardening of breast tissue, due to shrinking of tissues

●  A rupture where the implant leaks can cause small lumps which are known as silicone granulomas.

●   Rotational movement of implants within the breast

●  Rippling and folds inside the implants

●  Infections that require removal

● Being unable to breastfeed your baby or producing less milk than before

How Can You Get Your Free Breast Implant Problems Test Done?

You can seek advice from a healthcare provider such as aspenaftersurgery if you face any issue related to breast implants. Get your free breast implant problems test done with them immediately to avoid any major issues in the future.


All in all, hope the above-stated points are enough to let you know how you can focus on the early warning signs to detect any problem and seek immediate advice from doctors!

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